Posts Tagged ‘game maker


Krainn Character Attributes

Character attributes for Krainn:

BALL – bounces, can move faster than the gear, can jump higher
GEAR – does not bounce, can only move right and left when in the air, can launch far if in a corner or on a corner, can stick to walls, can walljump (VERY hard to do)

This game is going to be a game of physics, in which you have to climb up and get to the top of each level where the exit will be. It will be quite challenging at times, but I think you should be able to get each level completed. We may add some more characters later on in the game.
Best Regards,
-Para Pro


Well, we haven’t really told you recently what games we’ve been working on, so the list is below (in order of expected release date)

  1. Pizzle Puzzle [Demo] – In this tough puzzle game, you have to find out in each level how to get the crate to the exit portal. The demo will have about 10 levels, and the full version will have 50. This game has a surprise though…it was formerly known as Fill The Order! We’re finally working on it. And yes, it will have a level editor.
  2. Krainn – the prequal to Capsule, Krainn is fun platform adventure game in which you play as a gear, and have to use your special abilites to help prevent full scale war! This game will have about 20-25 story levels, with an added 5 co-op levels.
  3. Clay 2 – probably one of our most anticipated game after the release of Clay, this sequal is going to be one of our most professional looking games yet. It will have 20 levels, a two player minigame, normal tetris, and a level editor (we might also have an online database where you can upload levels).

Also, we’re starting to get ready for Ball Wars II: The End, which we’ve decided will be a platform maze game.

Best Regards,

-Para Pro


More Staff Members

Not only are we changing our name, we’re also growing rapidly! In the span of three days, we’ve gotten two more staff members.  We’re not going to tell you their last names (privacy reasons) but the staff we have now are: [the two new people are in bold]

  1. Zachary, graphics and web management
  2. Nathan, blogging and game programming
  3. Charlie, graphics
  4. Tyler, game programming
  5. Jordan, graphics
  6. Harrison, probably sound editing
  7. Christopher, C++ and game programming

Also, we’ve been able to narrow the list of names down to: (ones we like a lot are in bold)

  1. Aeroplay
  2. bluNitro
  3. Kopu Games
  4. Koi Games
  5. Kaji
  6. Unit Games
  7. Koit
  8. paraKoi
  9. Kajite

Remember, all you have to do is comment here telling us which one you like best and there will be a better chance of us changing it.

Best Regards,

-Para Pro


New Library

We’re working on making another website, which we can have all of our games on easily. Eventually, the two websites may merge together, but for now this will have to do. Anyway, with the new game library you will be able to rate and see screenshots of each game before/after downloading. We will also have a top five games list so you can see which games are the highest rated. Lastly, there will be another list of most recently created games. We hope that this will get you to come here and visit us more often.

Best Regards,

-Para Pro

P.S. You may not know (we sort of forget to tell you) but we have a new email address.


Pizzle Puzzle

Since the minigame we were working on for this month (To The Top) failed miserably, we’ve decided to instead release the demo version of Pizzle as this months minigame. The demo will have 10 overall unique and challenging puzzle levels, in which you have to figure out how to get the crate to the portal at the end of each level. The final version will have 50 levels [all unlockable]. We are not sure when this will be out, but we can guarantee you that it will be one of the best games we release this year—right behind Clay 2. Also, if the game fits the guidelines for YoYo Games’ competition05, we may be able to enter it into the competition. This game will have nice simplistic graphics, yet very good gameplay. We can’t wait to release the demo this month! We also hope to release screenshots here in the future of it.

Best Regards,

-Para Pro


What’s Next?

Well, we’ve gotten some requests as to what we plan on doing next. First of all, we’d like to launch Fill The Order (with a new name though), plus make Capsule 2 and Clay 2. Also, we are planning on making some more minigames, and here’s the order in which we will release them.


  1. Krainn [finally!]
  2. Either ‘To The Top’ or the first Fill The Order minigame
  3. Also, as an extra to make up for January, we will release a random level generator


  1. Clay 2 (a lot of development will be going into this, and we’re starting it now)
  2. Either a shooting game or the second Fill The Order minigame

We’re not sure yet for April, but we would like to get FSS and some other biggys [Ball Wars II] out. Hope you guys stick with us through these next few months! Also, in January we had the lowest number of visits ever, and we hope that this month we’ll be getting more.

Best Regards,

-Para Pro



We are nearly completed with Krainn, plus we’re almost done uploading Capsule.

Para Pro staff members will be beta testing Krainn soon, and it will be done on February 01. It’s going to have the option to play by yourself or with a friend, and there will be unique character abilites. There will be 15-20 levels–we’re not sure how many yet.

Best Regards,

-Para Pro


Announcment – What’s Happening

Well, there have been several request as to what is currently going on with Para Pro since we have not been posting much, if anything. Well, because all of us are in high school and have been working hard (at least that’s our excuse) we have not had much time to do much with the website. We are, however, starting back up with posting at least every week again. Except there’s something different.

This is my last time blogging to all of you anymore. I’m being replaced, probably by Zachary, and he may also take over Para Pro from me. I’m going to continue on working with Para Pro, but I’m no longer going to be the web designer, blogger, or owner. I’m instead going to focus only on creating games, since there are currently only two of us doing that right now. We are looking for another employee, one that is in TPS ( and has some experience in sound editing/creating and recording voices. We need this for our games, and because we are going to make some sounds to add to our website. Also, we are no longer going to continue adding graphics, as is doing that already and we create almost the exact same type of graphics as him.

So, in conclusion, we are now going to only do games, we need a TPS employeee, and we may add some sounds to our “library”. From now on, all our graphics/game sprites will be top quality and our games will be released nearly every other month, starting on February 01 (game will be called Krainn). We also have a new game, called Capsule, by myself, that we are going to put up shortly. Thank you for bearing with us the long Christmas season, and we hope you had a very special Christmas and New Years’ day.

Best Regards,

-Nathan Wood (formerly known as Para Pro)


2 New Games!

There are two new games being worked on: Laser Virus, and Ball Wars: Level Creator.

Laser Virus – Minigame

Storyline: You are an advance in technology, called a “Worm”. You get shrunken down and swollowed by a human that has been infected by a disease. You have to journey through him, killing all viruses and eventually the boss at the end.

Ball Wars: Level Creator

This is in beta mode, and almost completed. With it you can create your own Ball Wars style games! At this time the only objects you can place on the level are bouncy walls, but in the final release you will be able to put down every object featured in the original game! Download the beta version by clicking the link below.


(the button above will download the beta version of Ball Wars: Level Creator)

Best Regards,

-Para Pro


Labyrinth of War – Possible Storyline

The Story:

The year is 1954, and you’ve been investigating a so-called “haunted mine.” You believe that it is all a myth, so you go down into it to talk with some of the miners. While you are down at the bottom, you hear a rumbling noise and dirt and rocks fall from the boards above you. You hear a loud boom, and everything goes black…

Later, you wake up to find that the tunnel you came from got blocked off by large pieces of debris. You wait a while as you call out into the rubble, but there are no responses. You then decide that the only thing to do is to go into the darkness below. Fortunately for you, you have a headlamp that one of the miners had given you and you now turn it on. You wander through the tunnels for a while until you find a shotgun. Figuring you won’t need it, but deciding to take it anyway, you put the strap over your back. Continue reading ‘Labyrinth of War – Possible Storyline’

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May 2024